“Health policy may be contributing to the rise in Caesarean sections in Africa”.

This is the topic addressed by 5 SciDev.net journalists (Idelette Bissu’u, Maghene Deba, Mardochée Boli, Julien Chongwang and Sandrine Gaingne) in their latest article dated 14/05/2024.

This publication highlights the growing concern about Caesarean delivery in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, we learn that while the proportion of deliveries by caesarean section in countries on the African continent is still below the 10% to 15% set by the WHO (as the ideal threshold beyond which the situation can be considered worrying), this proportion is rising rapidly…

Find out more about this article => https://www.scidev.net/afrique-sub-saharienne/scidev-net-investigates/la-politique-sanitaire-favoriserait-la-flambee-des-cesariennes-en-afrique/

And for more information, consult the sections of our website or download our Quali-Dec application, an international scientific research project which aims to reduce the practice of medically unjustified caesarean sections by providing pregnant women, their families and healthcare professionals with non-clinical tools to guide their choice of the most appropriate mode of delivery!https://www.qualidec.com/en/home-en/

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EVENT: invited by “les XXIXèmes Actualités du Pharo” to be held on October 2, 3 and 4, 2024 in Marseille, Alexandre DUMONT (gynecologist-obstetrician, director of research at IRD and coordinator of the QUALI-DEC project) will speak on Thursday October 3 on the theme: “Impact of conflicts, disasters and health crises on obstetric care for women in resource-limited countries”.

These medico-tropical scientific days have been organized by GISPE – groupe d’intervention en santé publique et épidémiologie – since 2012. This year, they are devoted

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Every birth is unique. The choice of delivery route depends on a number of factors such as the weight, size and position of your baby, as well as your medical history. This application is designed to provide you with information and help you reveal your preferences for the mode of delivery…

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