
La précarité menstruelle en Afrique subsaharienne : une question taboue

Chaque jour, dans le monde, environ 800 millions de femmes et de filles ont leurs règles. Un tiers d’entre elles n’ont pas accès à de l’eau propre, à des toilettes privées, décentes et qui leur sont adaptées, ni à des protections pour vivre cette période avec dignité. La question de la précarité menstruelle, c’est-à-dire de …

La précarité menstruelle en Afrique subsaharienne : une question taboue Read More »

Factors influencing the implementation of labour companionship: formative qualitative research in Thailand

Abstract Introduction WHO recommends that all women have the option to have a companion of their choice throughout labour and childbirth. Despite clear benefits of labour companionship, including better birth experiences and reduced caesarean section, labour companionship is not universally implemented. In Thailand, there are no policies for public hospitals to support companionship. This study aims …

Factors influencing the implementation of labour companionship: formative qualitative research in Thailand Read More »

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Every birth is unique. The choice of delivery route depends on a number of factors such as the weight, size and position of your baby, as well as your medical history. This application is designed to provide you with information and help you reveal your preferences for the mode of delivery…

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